Once you’re logged into the web store, you can check the value of your voucher on the ‘My Account’ page and in your shopping cart. To apply your voucher to a purchase, go to the checkout, and the open balance of your active reward voucher will be automatically deducted from the total sum of your order. (Vouchers can’t be applied towards shipping costs.)
The voucher is personalized, and its value is connected to your membership profile.
When you wish to use your voucher, sign in before making the purchase.
No change is returned when using a voucher; any remaining value is available for use for future purchases as long as the voucher is valid.
The voucher does not count towards the purchases that determine the value of your next voucher, and it cannot be redeemed in cash.
If the voucher is not used within the valid period, the total value of accrued purchases will not be carried forward to the next period, and the voucher will expire. Vouchers can only be used to pay for products. Vouchers cannot be used to purchase gift cards or to pay for delivery or other services available on the web store.